- Eligibilityadd
All current University of California, Berkeley faculty and staff with a valid Cal 1 Card are eligible to purchase Faculty and Staff Flex Dollars. An employee who is also a registered student of the University may only purchase an off-campus meal plan. Flex dollars work on a declining balance basis. Flex dollars may be used in the dining commons, campus restaurants, convenience stores, and to pay for guest meals at a discount from the cash price in the dining commons. Flex dollars function like cash dollars—1 flex dollar has the purchasing power of $1. For example, a purchase of $2.01 would cost 2.01 flex dollars. Flex dollars cannot be refunded, transferred to another meal plan holder, or canceled.
- Faculty and Staff Flex Dollarsadd
Purchase 100 flex dollars for $100 or 50 flex dollars for $50. Then as needed, purchase add-on flex dollars — 100 flex dollars for $100 or 50 flex dollars for $50. To purchase add-on flex dollars, go online to dining.berkeley.edu or visit the cashier's office located at 2610 Channing Way, 2nd floor. Add-on flex dollars roll over from the fall to spring semester.
- Dining Locationsadd
Please review the Berkeley Dining locations webpage for up-to-date information on available locations. Meal plans can be used in all Berkeley Dining locations. Dining commons are all-you-can-eat locations where food is meant to be eaten on premises. While you are welcome to grab a piece of fruit or a small dessert (like a cookie) to take with you, additional carry-out is not permitted. Use your flex dollars wherever Grubhub is offered.
- Period of Contractadd
Faculty and Staff Flex Dollars, as well as any purchased add-on flex dollars, will remain on the faculty/staff user’s account as long as the participant is an employee of the University of California, Berkeley. All flex dollars and add-on flex dollars must be used by the last day of employment or funds will be forfeited.
- Payment methodadd
Faculty and Staff Flex Dollars must be purchased online using a credit card payment. Accepted credit cards include Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.
- Refunds, Transfers, and Cancellationsadd
Faculty and Staff Flex Dollars cannot be refunded, transferred, or canceled.
- Service Datesadd
See Important Dates for information.
- Cal 1 Cardadd
Berkeley Dining uses the Cal 1 Card to manage meal plan utilization. The Cal 1 Card allows the cardholder to link to and make use of their corresponding meal plan(s). Cardholders must show a valid Cal 1 Card at every meal, as meal plans are accessed via tapping or swiping a Cal 1 Card. The Cal 1 Card and associated privileges are non-transferable. In the absence of the Cal 1 Card, meals may be purchased with cash, credit, or debit at the general public price. The Cal 1 Card is valuable and should be protected accordingly. You are solely responsible for immediately reporting/deactivating a lost or stolen Cal 1 Card. The most effective way to do so is online by logging into your account. If you do not have access to the internet when your card is lost or stolen, reports can be made in person at the Cal 1 Card Office or by calling 1.866.2UCBCARD. Once the card is reported missing, you assume no further liability for unauthorized use. A $35 non-refundable replacement fee will apply when replacing a lost card. If your card was stolen and you filed a police report for the incident, the replacement fee will be waived by presenting the corresponding police report when requesting the replacement card. Replacement cards are only issued to students with a current registration status in the applicable academic term and eligible employees/affiliates with an active appointment. NOTE: If you are a student and you withdraw from classes or an employee/affiliate that no longer has an active appointment, the Cal 1 Card cannot be replaced if you lose it, and you will not be able to use your meal plan unless you email dining@berkeley.edu to request an exception. Berkeley Dining will then work with the Cal 1 Card office to determine if an exception is warranted.
- Special Dietsadd
Berkeley Dining makes every effort to identify ingredients that may trigger more well-known allergic or other adverse reactions for individuals with food allergies or intolerance. Our staff is trained and educated on food allergies and gluten-free diets on an ongoing basis, and they ensure that items marked gluten-friendly are made without gluten-containing ingredients. However, due to the volume of meals served and items used each day, along with food product changes from our vendors, we cannot guarantee that every allergen or gluten source in the food served will be identified and labeled. There is a small possibility that, without notice to us, manufacturers of the commercial foods we use can change the formulation at any time. Cross-contact may also occur despite our best efforts to prevent it. Customers concerned with food allergens and gluten must be aware of these risks. Berkeley Dining cannot assume any liability for adverse reactions to food consumed, or items one may come in contact with while eating at any Berkeley Dining facility or catered event. Customers with life-threatening food allergies who may need to use an EpiPen should be carrying their own at all times. Berkeley Dining staff is not trained to administer EpiPens and cannot provide or administer them. Berkeley Dining strives to provide a variety of meal options, including vegetarian and vegan selections. Although not guaranteed, special diets can generally be accommodated within our regular offerings. Students living in the residence halls are encouraged to meet with our registered dietitian to discuss any special dietary concerns or food allergies by emailing dietitian@berkeley.edu.